
Wellness center bsu email address
Wellness center bsu email address

wellness center bsu email address

One new addition to the Mabee Center since its last birthday celebration is adding a sound system inside the gymnasium. We screen individuals each time they enter the facility, have limited capacity in each space, socially distanced the equipment, continue to sanitize the equipment, etc.” said Boxdorfer. “The Mabee Center and the staff continue to do what is best for the safety of the community. This past year has been no ordinary year for the Mabee Center due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Later on in the night students were able to compete in “HORSE” inside the gymnasium at the Mabee Center. The ACE event was titled “Building Your Plate” and presented by Strength and Conditioning Coach, Tyler Aulber.

wellness center bsu email address

An ACE credit was also presented to students via Zoom. The celebration started with students being able to make their own granola mix, later in the day Smoothie King was also available for students. I see the Mabee Center continuing to assess the needs of the C-SC Community and continuing to offer excellent services to help meet the health and wellness goals of our community.”

Wellness center bsu email address